
Huge, full of stars accumulations

Teona Galaxy
balanced start[V][W][C]
Max Players: 6
Stars: 39
Planets: 116
Is a huge spiral galaxy with many different stars, with rather small planet systems orbiting them.
Scorpa Galaxy
balanced start
Max Players: 6
Stars: 25
Planets: 77
Is quite dense accumulation of stars, that in majority have small planet systems orbiting them. But in center lies huge cluster of stellar bodies with complicated phaseline chart, that was formed under the gravity influence of the closest stars.
Stellar Islands
balanced start[C]
Max Players: 6
Stars: 19
Planets: 66
Consists of two huge differently organized accumulations. Rather fastidious place for struggle.
Lita Accumulation
balanced start[C]
Max Players: 6
Stars: 20
Planets: 64
Greatly altered Lita Galaxy, where many intersystem planet-to-planet connectiones were added.
Lita Galaxy
balanced start[M-1][C]
Max Players: 6+1
Stars: 19
Planets: 60
Is an accumulation of different star types, wich form local clusters, where all planets are connected with each other.


Local group of stars. Some have extensive planetary systems

Lora Cluster
balanced start[M-2][H][W][C]
Max Players: 4+2, 6
Stars: 11, 13
Planets: 77, 79
Consists of different stellar systems (from huge to small), at the considerable distance from each other.
Enerus Cluster
balanced start[C]
Max Players: 6
Stars: 16
Planets: 50
Vast accumulation of stars that have rather small planet systems. Good for quick military companies.
Rea Cluster
balanced start[V][M-2][C]
Max Players: 4+2, 6
Stars: 8, 10
Planets: 46, 48
Consists of large stellar systems (10 in average), styled as our Sun system.
Xena Cluster
balanced start[V][H][C]
Max Players: 6
Stars: 13
Planets: 37
Is a wide accumulation of stars that have rather small planet systems. Good for quick military companies.
Amfora Cluster
balanced start[W][C]
Max Players: 4
Stars: 6
Planets: 36
There are two medium star systems, surrounded by player's Home systems. Good for quick military companies.
Three Sisters Cluster
balanced start[C]
Max Players: 6
Stars: 3
Planets: 33
Three Stars with habitable planetary systems connected by Worm Gates. Good for quick military companies.
balanced start[C]
Max Players: 6
Stars: 3
Planets: 32
It has become hard to maintain the balance in small home system, but close stars are unexplored. So it's time to hazard. Good for quick military companies.
Alba Cluster
balanced start[M-1][C]
Max Players: 4+1
Stars: 5
Planets: 31
Here there is one star with vast planet system in the center of the cluster, surrounded by Home systems of the players. Good for quick military companies.
Luo Cluster
unbalanced start[C][W]
Max Players: 4
Stars: 5
Planets: 27
Consists of five small planetary systems connected by Worm Gates Network. Good for quick military companies.


It's possible to visit every planet without interstellar phase jump

Fita Location
balanced start[C]
Max Players: 6
Stars: 3
Planets: 33
Three close stars maintain vast asteroid accumulation in their orbital gravity center. Good for quick military companies.
Mera Location
balanced start[C]
Max Players: 4
Stars: 2
Planets: 31
Two close stars with habitable planetary systems orbiting them. Good for quick military companies.
Toya Location
balanced start[C]
Max Players: 4
Stars: 1
Planets: 27
Huge planet system of Toya star is location of everyone's home planets. Good for quick military companies.
Crost Location
balanced start[C]
Max Players: 4
Stars: 1
Planets: 22
Lonely stellar system with wide habitable zone. Good for quick military companies.

Solar Space

Realistic interpretation of the closest to the Sun space

unbalanced start[M-1][C]
Max Players: 2+1
Stars: 2
Planets: 30
The era of space explorations has begun. But insurrection and separation of Mars stoped exultations, as it was a resource hinterland for Earth. Growing might of enemy Mars becomes threatening, and seems the war is near...
unbalanced start[M-1][W][C]
Max Players: 2+1
Stars: 21
Planets: 116
Terra and Mars are still sovereign. Closest space is investigated & distant stars attract eyes of humans. Far expedition to Barnard's Star stuned mankind: the evidence of alien civilization has found! And it seems, appliance will work...
unbalanced start[M-1][W][C]
Max Players: 4+1
Stars: 21
Planets: 116
Waves of citizens were fleeing from the hell of war in the solar system, and earliest refugees had settled in distant worlds a long ago. Now their descendants are ready to find their mythical homeland and unite the Humanity.
unbalanced start[M-2][W][C]
Max Players: 6+2
Stars: 21
Planets: 116
Humanity wasnt united, but instead had been enlarging by rising of independent communities. There was no predominant state, but those who controlled Isis sector kept finger on the pulse of world trade. And that became the reason for contest...
unbalanced start[M-2][W][C]
Max Players: 8+2
Stars: 21
Planets: 116
Recent scientific breakthrough allowed to enable inactive Wormgates. So every union more or less became connected with global worm network. The importance of cautious diplomacy has risen to the art of war. And a neutral space is shrinking dramatically...
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